IAE Aix Alumni Tour Brussels

La date limite de clôture des inscriptions est passée.

Dear IAE Aix Alumnus, 

Prof.Virginie de Barnier, the IAE Aix-Marseille Dean, invites you to join her for an evening together in Brussels the 26th of October 2017. 

It's been so long, let's catch-up on what's happening! 

We are currently also looking for a venue where to organise the event, so if you know a nice place where we could all meet, please comment here or tell us in the RSVP Form, we will take care of the rest! 

RSVP here if you are available to join us and we will let you know about the venue in the the next few days: 

If you know any other alumni in Brussels, please don't hesitate to share this invitation with them! 

We are looking forward meeting you there!

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Adresse précise à venir (Region de Bruxelles)


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