European Change Forum

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Encouraged by the success of the first Change Forum which took place in June 2012 at IAE Aix Graduate School of Management, jointly organized by the MBA Change & Innovation and the German-French Consulting Firm Kraus&Partner, the second edition will be organized on June 21st, under the name of European Change Forum.

This new name shows the ambition to establish this yearly meeting at IAE Aix Graduate School of Management as a center for Change Management in Europe, where international experts from industry and science come together in order to discuss the many aspects and latest trends of Change Management and to bring back those insights back to their companies.

Prof. Carolina Serrano Archimi, the director of the MBA Change & Innovation at IAE Aix Graduate School of Management and Mr. Georg Kraus, director of Kraus & Partner are currently inviting international renowned Change Management experts to become a member of the Advisory Board of the European Change Management Forum, deciding each year the programme and bringing the best guest speakers to IAE Aix Graduate School of Management.

Last year, in February 2012, Prof. Carolina Serrano invited the pioneer in Change Management, Jeannene LaMarsh (La Marsh & Associates), together with Bruno Couly (Autoescape) and Raphaël V. Zaccardi (Caterpillar) to discuss “The Number 1 and Number 2 relationship in Corporate Management – How to manage the vital yet conflicting relationship between the entrepreneur and the facilitator to ensure sustainable change”.

Followed by the Change Forum in June 2012 “Lean and Innovation as a Factor of Organizational with François Dupuy (Academic Director of CEDEP, European Center for Executive Development at INSEAD campus) and Kajetan von Mentzingen (Head of Lean Management at Eurocopter).

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